We will present 2 papers at CDC in Milano!

We are looking forward to attending CDC this year in Milano. We are presenting two works:

  • Miel Sharf and Daniel Zelazo, [A Characterization of All Passivizing Input-Output Transformations of a Passive-Short System](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10518141)

This work studies the passivation problem for passive-short systems. We provide a characterization of all passifying controllers for a SISO passive-short system, a result that is in the same spirit as the celebrated Youla-Kučera parameterization of all stabilizing controls of linear time-invariant systems. This result is an important step towards passivation design that can incorporate additional system performance metrics.

  • Gal Barkai, Leonid Mirkin, and Daniel Zelazo, “Asynchronous Sampled-Data Synchronization with Small Communications Delays”

    This work studies the state synchronization of linear Time-Invariant (LTI) agents within a networked environment characterized by intermittent and asynchronous communication, alongside heterogeneous time-varying transmission delays. We propose a hybrid controller, augmented with a special kind of predictor, to compensate for the delays and guarantee synchronization.